Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Netsh winsock reset is a useful command which you can use to reset the windows sockets API which is often known as winsock.Winsock defines a standard interface between a windows TCP/IP client application (FTP client or a web browser) and the underlying TCP/IP protocol stack.You can try this command when you have done all those things you know to solve to a problem related with network or internet connectivity.This commmand will set your windows TCP/IP settings to a factory level setting and makes it fresh and new as installed.
You can try the command if you experience anything like the following..
1. Cannot connect to internet after adware,spyware,virus,trojan horse,worm removal or cleanup
2. Lost network connection after installing/uninstalling any network support program
3. Cannot access any webpages/can only access some web sites only
4. No network connectivity due to registry errors
5. DNS Lookup error
6. Fail to renew the network adapter's IP or other DHCP errors
7. Showing Limited Connectivity or No connections message
8. Unidentified networking problem
Now how to use
Windows Xp
Press Ctrl+R and type cmd and enter
If you are not familier with DOS commands, you can also use Winsockfix command instead.
Windows Vista
Start>All Programs> Accessories> right click on the command prompt and run as administrator
After executing the command, dont forget to restart your computer.